About Us

Anthony Chmielowiec came to the United States from Poland in 1910 and began painting in


In 1946, Anthony’s sons, Raymond and Adolph (Jack), who both had served overseas during

World War II, joined their father in the painting contracting business.

In 1948 A. Chmielowiec and Sons opened a paint and wallpaper store on Ellicott Street in


In 1965, Jack started his own painting contracting business with his two sons, John (Jack. Sr.)

and Robert.

As the business grew, they incorporated and changed the name to Chmielowiec Painting, Inc.

Commercial and Industrial painting became their main source of business including vinyl wall

coverings, epoxy floors, and wall protection.

Jack Chmielowiec retired and his sons, John (Jack, Sr) and Robert continued to grow the

business.    After 45 years in the business, both Jack, Sr and Robert retired in 2010 selling the

business to their sons, Jack Chmielowiec, Jr and Paul Chmielowiec.

Chmielowiec Painting is a 4th generation business and in 2023 the Chmielowiec family will

celebrate 100 years of painting in Genesee County.